This particular part of my webpage is rated M for MATURE!!! Majority of my thoughts here will be unfiltered and i love playing it safe! so viewer descression is advised!!!
Topics may include: talk of poor mental health, profanity, self-deprication, talks about mature media and media spoilers, talks of the world and how I experience it, and LOTS OF PROFANITY!!!!
sure theres not much here atm but i wanna play it safe if you catch my drift ^^;
DATE: JANUARY 29, 2024
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IM 20!!!!!1 well ok i've been 20 for a few days cuz i turned 20 on saturday and OMG IT WAS SUCH A GOOD BIRTHDAY!!!! thanks to everyone who sent me the SWEETEST birthday messages MUAH MAUH MUAH!! those kisses are for you . I got to spend the day in like one of my favorite places with one of my friends and UGH!!! it was just SOOOOOOOOO FUN!!! granted i didnt get any new signatures for my collection but thats alright! I got pins instead so like i think thats pretty cool
seriously i could talk on and on rn about how much i love disney and how special it was to be there on this birthday but i digress TEEHEE!
other than that i think we need a new countdown.....maybe spring break? thats the only like big thing i can think of thats sort of on the horizon! probably because thats the end of my quarter LMAO!!! im barely into week 4 and it feels like this quarter has been taking forever SOB i wanna be at home and do nothing. ive been going through a lot of stuff emotionally and physically due to doctors (/neg) and psycatrists (/neg). this is all because im trying to get formally diagnosed for my ADHD so maybe i can get medicated for it and UGH it is so awful. having to balance that, school, club, friends, relationships, homework, etc has been THE WORST!!! which makes me really sad. mainly because i contimplate quitting club entirely almost every day now because it takes up so much time and commitment and brain space that i just might not have anymore. oh the woes of being an indecisive disabled kid
OH WELL!! off to watch my little pony!!! laters !!!!!
DATE: JANUARY 16, 2024
SOB CRY!!!! I have been in so much pain for the past while that its a little insane !!!! Honestly i think the dentist fucked me over- over my winter break i had multiple dentist appointments for fillings and that was literally over 2 weeks ago :"(. Like the pain is almost unbareable LMAO but i have a doctors appointment tomorrow so maaaaybe i'll survive. if its a jaw infection i have no idea what i'll do. i'm already taking a break from practicing my intstrament (my literal major) and sangmo (traditional korean ribbon hat dancing) to not over work my jaw and im miserable :""(
to make myself feel better i decided to do some simple casual makeup today which was honestly kinda difficult but i think im finally getting the hang of it >:3!!
i think you've seen the little camera at the bottom and im planning to do photo of the week! mainly cuz i carry around a little camera with me. im just waiting on my microsd reader cuz i forgor it at home...but its fiinnneee
im thinking about redo-ing the home page but i think i'll start that when i finish more pages accessed from the home page LMAO. okie thats all for now :3
DATE: JANUARY 11, 2024
AAAAAAAAAAAAA welcome into the near year holy COW!!!! Hello 2024 ami right? how are you, any new resolutions? for me this is like a massive year for me because i turn 20!!!!!! i am so excited you dont even know!! i have a whole outfit picked out and EVERYTHING !!! im gonna go to disneyland and have just the cutest princess birthday EVAH.
other than that i'm feeling honestly so good about this month (i think my meds are working LMAO) even tho my winter break was like....really so-so . its finnnneeee everyone has those breaks right? like ugh- my aunt bought me the UGLIST vest and like a book set that she knows i dont like....i mean great job you showed how little you know me lmao. not to mention the scheduling this year was just AWFUL!!!! my parents and sibling didnt get on break until the 23RD. now that should be illegal.
but now im back at school and you'll be hearing a lot more from me here i PROMMY!! feel free to talk in the chat box because i love asking questions and hearing from YOU!!! THINK FAST: YOUR FAV GIFT FROM THIS HOLIDAY SEASON !!!! okay ill see you later
... someone forgot to make entries ...
DATE: MARCH 20, 2024
HI EVERYONE!!!! IM BACK!!!! sorry i've been gone for so long ^^; the last month n a half have been INSANE IN DA MEMBRANE. school hit me so hard it was ridiculous, same with getting super sick for literally 10 weeks it was NOT FUN. Hopefully going into the spring i'll have more time to code and update this website a lot more.
hmmmmmmm whats new whats new. well i got a tattoo! and im finally home for spring break which is just AWESOME. I dont have much to say honestly, i've just been very busy hahahahahahha. hopefully i'll update again soon!! thats all for noe!!!!!